Our Town Theatre Group presents: Belles, The Reunion
Saturday, November 2 | 2 PM & 7 PM
Sunday, November 3 | 2 PM
Cost $20
Tickets: Email: tickets@ottg.org, 518-406-8840, or visit: www.otttg.org
Directed by: Jordan Hornstein
Starring: Anne Buckwheat, Georgia Burkhardt, Natalie Goddington, Trish Gardner, Wendy Joy-Hayes, Kim Smith
Twenty-five years have passed since we last visited the six Walker sisters from Memphis, Tennessee, and they’re all back on the phone again for another crisis-filled weekend. The most immediate concern: Mama has taken off all her clothes in the community room of her nursing room and the sisters must put their heads together and decide what to do with her. And that’s just for starters!